Clean water is the prime thing of health. In the geographic area in which we work, not only do the rural poor drink highly contaminated water, but many even have no awareness that the water is the reason for illness and death. To date, there has been no access to reliably clean water at an affordable price and no efforts made to address and open up markets for the rural poor. According to survey lack of clean water accounts for every fourth patient. This problem is compounded by the occurrence of arsenic , Calcium & Some radioactive elements in floating water of Himalyan rivers which are causing skin infections, Stone & other stomach related problems .
We generally have population sample of 100 to 800 in each villages , if we consider 7 Ltr/Day/ Person we required at least 700 ltr to 5600 Ltr / clean water /day . The water plant uses UV and UF filtration. Water is drawn from the existing river or water channel where arsenic and other pollutants are not present, The main advantages of this solution are:
- Essential minerals are retained in the water
- Lower power usage
- Very low water wastage (RO has up to 60% water wastage which can cause flooding without proper drainage)
- No toxic run off (RO plants often run the excess pollutants into the land)
- Lower technology upfront costs
Village panchayt for the advantage of clean water & set up village level social development society .. We educate them for the uses and advantage of clean water. There is some minimum community engagement charge from the each family who are using our system .