Block Level E-Hospital Solutions:
In order to provide Intrgrated High class solution we have extraordinary solutions for block level PHC’s which is the advanced version of Hospital & equipped with latest machines & Technologies & specialized doctors.
Village Panchayat Level E-Hospital Solutions: In order to make any village as SMART , Health issues are primary thing to attend. In our model village panchayt will sponser the primary investment in the machine & Asha worker will train for the operation of machine & responsible for connecting patient to the Doctors.
Basic Infrastructure:
- Health Machine
- Tablet
- Power Bank
- One Bed
- Basic Generic Medicine
Features of Health Machine:
Our Health machines provides
24 No’s of Basic Test which
Includes monitoring of below things
1)Blood Pressure 2)Weight & Height
3)Glucometer 4)Thermometer
5) PulseRate 6)Daibetes Screening
7) Heart Screening 8)Hemoglobin
9) Body Composition 10) Urine Test
10) Blood Based Dengue Test
11) HIV Screening
Basic Infrasture in Block Level Hospital:
- Our Health Machine which is sufficient to generate 24 basic tests
- SRL labortary for the advance level of Pathology Tests
- Generic Medicine Store
- CT Scanner
- 3 Bed equipped with Glucose Stand and Oxygen facilities
- Endoscopy Machine
- 24*7 Backup Power
- HD video Screen & High Speed Internet Connection for connecting patient with Doctors
- Specialized Team of Doctors for consulting
- Local Support staff